"Mrs. Bee gets into a pie fight with Kate at her new cakery!"
Kate has decided to open her own business--Kate's Cakery. On this National Dessert Day, Mrs. Bee stops by to sample some of her products. Low and behold, Kate doesn't have any cakes in her cakery but a lot of pies. This dilemma upsets Mrs. Bee enough to start a tit-for-tat pie fight. Both ladies are wearing retro outfits and get covered in multiple styles of pie; Whipped cream, pudding filling, and shaving cream. Don't miss this (another) hilarious scene featuring these two lovely ladies. Scene includes close and wide camera angles in 1080p.
Wow.....just....wow if National Dessert Day was to come to life. I'm sure National Dessert Day would be proud. Of you both. And honor you Kate & Mrs.Bee with two big creamy pies to you'er faces.